Sunday, July 24, 2011

Wk3_Think aloud

I'll probably pick a presentation since I really enjoy speaking with people rather than writing.  I'm sure the same amount of planning will be necessary for both, though!  I wonder if anyone would be willing to see a video I made since travel may be difficult in the next year.

Right now I'm not sure if I have anything astounding to say.  It might be easier if I knew personalized learning needed some defending, like if I could personally debate Arne Duncan.  What does my little project show?  That there are no easy answers, but kids seem to want more control and creative options?  Daniel Pink and Sir Ken Robinson could tell you that.  Why me?  How am I worthy?

I am starting to panic!  I wish I had asked better questions, so I could get better answers from the kids.  And who asks a noob to speak at a conference anyway?  This is craziness!

1 comment:

  1. I too am about to panic. While I think what I learned from my project is important, it is important to me. Does it really prove anything to anyone else? I believe what I did is valid and has inspired me to do other similar type of experiments. So at least I'm not the only one who is worried about this presentation thing.
