Saturday, July 2, 2011

Wk1 _Wimba

Joe has a great demeanor about him and is an excellent communicator!  I only wish he had been available last Fall to explain CBR v. CBL and the lit review.  I feel it could have saved me a lot of time.  The analogy of a (neutral-stance) reporter, asking the researchers to speak for themselves is a good one.  When talking this over with Jenney this week, I thought about Diane Sawyer-- sorry Oprah, I love you but you are rarely neutral-stance-- having a panel of experts on the show to talk about their findings.  It would be Diane's job to introduce the topic or subtopic and then transition between each guest.  Once upon a time, in month one, Dr. Wyly said we should not report but synthesize and that was confusing to me-- how do I synthesize without inserting too much of my own opinion there [I think that is called yellow journalism?] or coming to definitive conclusions too early.  So, many thanks to Joe for clearing up some confusion!

I have more comments about CBR in my response to Jenney in another post.

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