Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wk2_Comment 1

The link to Mike Skocko's blog can be found here.  I had trouble copying only the parts of the blog and not the sidebars and images!  Mike elaborated on his delight in reading the Zander book, and included exerpts of his own poetry.  His thoughts and those of the Zanders seem to be so harmonious, Mike said that it felt like rediscovering an old friend.  As luck would have it, he was reading this book as he vacationed, his family with another family.  Turns out Dave Ridge knows Ben Zander and together they toured with the symphony in Europe once upon a time.

I replied,

That’s so cool how stories and lives are intertwining! Kismet! Dave, I am wondering if you felt something extra playing with Ben and if you have a similar, shining-eyes life mission…
Mike if you read my blog, I’m am really struggling with letting go of the measurement part of my brain. The judgmental German seems to go through to the bone. Just the other day, my husband found an employee in a small lie (taking credit for someone else’s quick thinking) and I asked him why he didn’t acknowledge it; would this person continue in greater dishonesty or feel glee in putting one over on “the boss”? My husband must have decided “to give him an A” by letting the employee save face. Through the discussion, I still put so much stock in being “right” that I can make myself oblivious to the subtleties of human relationships.

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